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Good day and Happy New Year to All!

I know that most if not all of you are thinking, "what is 1378?" Because it is the beginning of a new year, I like to think of some of the things that I would like to focus on early in January. I am not someone who makes new year's resolutions, mainly because if I do and I don't accomplish them, it makes me unhappy, but I do have a few things that I identify as "like to do's" every year.

One of these things is to check on my financial health. Although my wellness and spiritual growth have increasingly become more important to me over the last few years, I try to make sure that I am mindful that I am doing something to save for those rainy days, and especially because I have children.

So, what is the relevance of 1378? If money is tight for you like it is for many of us, try doing the 52-Week Money Challenge for 2025. It's pretty easy and foolproof, and there are no complicated rules to remember. In a nutshell, for week 1, save $1.00. Week 2 save $2.00, and continue through the year, adding one more dollar to each week’s savings goal. By Week 52, you’ll set aside $52.00, which will bring the year’s total savings to $1,378. It's that simple!

I have started my 52-week savings challenge already, getting the jump on it during the last week of December 2024. You can accomplish this challenge by using different methods: on your own with your savings or checking account or with your bank or certain banks that participate in this type of special account. You can also research 52-week challenge online and find different tips and resources.

You owe it to yourself to invest in yourself; put a little something away for surely doesn't hurt to have a little extra piece of security...take care of you's not selfish, just selfness.

Have a mindfully prosperous 2025!

Sending light and love,

Tea Lady Nat

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